Jess & Greg’s Wedding in Langley [Fraser Valley Photographers]
February 24, 2018
Dress without the stress in the snow [Kamloops Wedding Photographer]
March 7, 2018A couple years ago I photographed Taran & Christina’s wedding on a gorgeous Canada Day at the Hope Golf Club. They were one of the sweetest couples I’ve met so when Christina saw my Dress without the Stress session with Sean & Adria, she contacted me to do some updated photos of the two of them. So this is in two parts! We first did some couples photos up at Knouff lake on our family property!! I’ve been dying to do a shoot there especially in the winter and T&C were amazing enough to come from Kelowna and do a session!! We had the most perfect weather and a great time catching up. Here’s some of my favourites from their regular wintery couples shoot, and next up is their Dress without the Stress part of the session where they put on their wedding clothes again and showcased their cuteness. Thanks again you two!