Oh Hello!

I’m Stefanie (or really I usually go by Stef) – with an “F”, not a “PH”!

Photography to me, is about telling a story from a point of view that has their own instinct of when to capture a moment. This point of view looks for laughter, high energy, full of love, candid moments. Clients who choose a stroll through the woods over the latest TV show, long chats and perhaps a pet or two in their life often become fast friends. These people often also end up being ones who value photography and know that it’s important to capture life’s moments and what happens, rather than a list. If you’re laid back, a bit silly, love to think outside the norm, look at the lighter side of life or crack a few jokes I’m sure we’d get along. I know it’s scary being in front of a camera, but we can help you feel your best – we have a unique way of making all the stress melt away. 

I currently live in Langley but spend a lot of time in Victoria as we are moving there in 2025! This is why I'm able to easily photograph based out of both locations and charge no travel fees to Victoria as maybe by the time you read this I forgot to update it and we already live there. 

I live with my own amazing partner, husband and best friend Ryan. He’s funny, supportive, listens to my crazy rants and like the person in your life – he’s my rock. We also have a spoiled furkid  – Farfel who give tons of kisses and has a big personality. We love travelling, some nerdy moments of gaming/anime, exploring beautiful BC and of course like many couples – watching Netflix together.  

Fun facts about me

Some fun facts about me! I believe laughing until you can’t breathe is the BEST medicine / I’m right-brained with a dash of left and that brain is Neurodivergent / I think everyone should have a dog at least once in their life / I am a Personal Branding Coach and I’m certified in NLP, Time Line Therapy®️ and Hypnosis / I wrote a book about love / I think awkward situations become less awkward when you point it out and just laugh it off / Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom & Genshin Impact are my favourite games and I get lost in the worlds / wandering the forest is where I get my best ideas / I love ocean breezes or windy days in general / I will stop and dance weirdly in probably the most inappropriate or awkward situations / I’m slightly obsessed with violet (and colour in general) / I sometimes, actually often, forget my words when I photograph, my creativity takes over more than sentences / my LUCKY number is 13 / I like to be active / I love learning new shit / I used to say Fall is my favourite season but now I love them all for the beauty of change and renewal / I’m pretty keen on meeting awesome people.
My life