Fort Langley Fournier Family Photos!
December 9, 20132013 Favourites [Wedding & Portrait Photography]
December 31, 2013Twenty years ago (plus a few months) I walked into Unsworth Elementary school in Chilliwack. I had just moved to Chilliwack from Langley and was starting a new school, I wasn’t too pleased about it since I loved my old school, but considering I was a fairly energetic carefree 7 (soon to be 8) year old I got over it pretty quickly. Right away I was introduced to a little blond girl with glasses and she was to show me around the school, and of course, be my washroom buddy. Back then we had to go from a portable to the “main” school so having a washroom buddy was very very important. This girl’s name was Amy. Little did I know she’d turn out to be my best friend for the majority of my life to date. We shortly became Amo and Stefo, later becoming Mo and Fo. Sadly we didn’t know the Mofo reference until grade 10. So by then (and still are) stuck with those nicknames.
Like any best friends we had our ups and downs, sometimes we didn’t talk for months, sometimes we saw each other and hung out every day. We went through the days of elementary school to the awkwardness of high school. We even worked together at the same fast food restaurant, I’m guessing it’s because I followed the owner around for a week asking to hire her and he said “if he did, would I stop asking?” and I said yes… Shortly after she was interviewed and hired. Some of the best memories of my life were spent there with my core group of friends and Amy was there the whole time. We often like to reflect on how we were the fastest burger makers in the history of the restaurant, especially when we worked together! I still think it’s the truth.
Later on in life she moved away to Kamloops and eventually came back. All the while we still hung on to our friendship, which I’m thankful to this date. She’s one of the people I know that even if I don’t talk to for awhile, if anything were to happen she would be there in an instant. A few years later she was introduced to Mike, an awesomely geeky and extremely caring guy. They were set up at a Boston Pizza dinner, and although she didn’t know it, I saw a movie with her after that dinner and her words were “I think I just got set up”. Truth is, she did and they dated long distance for a few years before Mike moved back to Chilliwack. In 2009 they tied the knot (with me standing as Maid of Honour!!) and I knew my best friend would be taken care of. Good thing too, since only a few weeks later I ended up moving to Victoria, so I had to make sure someone had her back!
Now that I’m back on the mainland we do get to see each other a bit more. And, of course, being the best friend means you’re roped into things you don’t always normally do! So now we’re at the point of my bestie being 8 months preggers and I was volun-told to do her maternity photos. I like them but it’s definitely not something I focus on so it’s a rare! I’m REALLY happy with the way they turned out and I’m super happy for Mo and Mike and they upcoming addition. They will make fantastical parents.