Justin & Claire [Merridale Cidery, Vancouver Island Photographer]
July 16, 2016
Vas & Mike’s Manning Park Wedding
July 21, 2016A couple weeks ago I was getting ready to head up to Manning Park for Mike and Vas’ wedding which I was stoked to be photographing (more on that with their blog post) and since I wanted to make sure I used every moment I got in touch with Vasilika and asked her if she knew anyone who may be interested in doing a photo session with me the night before the wedding. Engagement ‘style’ sessions are my favourite and they tend to be a little more relaxed than a wedding day so I wanted the chance to shoot a few things up at Lightning Lake that I wouldn’t be able to at a wedding.
Right away Cheryl got in touch with me and wanted to do the session with her boyfriend Brent who happens to be Vas’ cousin (and was the mc for their wedding).
I had a few possible ideas for this session but with some limited time and the sight of some canoes, this session ended up being the perfect one! It knocked off two bucket list items – a canoe session and an engagement style (I say style since these two are not engaged) at manning park!! I can’t wait to get back up there and shoot some more. If you’re interested in booking a session or are getting married at Manning, I would LOVE to chat!!
For now, check out a few of my favourites: