Swan-e-Set Bay Resort & Country club out in Pitt Meadows is a popular spot for weddings, events and of course golfing, so when B’s mom got in touch with me back in January to do some of her son’s prom photos there I was very excited. Prom/grad photos feel like wedding photos in the sense that everyone is fancied up and in this case B came with his gorgeous girlfriend K and we were able to do some beautiful photos of just the two of them as well. I love when people take the time to do prom photos, I know when I was a kid a huge regret is just letting my parents take the photos (sorry mom) as I wish I had put some money into professional ones. It’s a big moment and you usually don’t get that dressed up again for quite a few years. ;)
We had a gorgeous sunny day out at Swaneset and managed to get there before everyone else so had time to do some photos with B’s borrowed car, snuck in some shady spots to beat the heat, and took advantage of the intricate details of the interior a few photos as well! Here’s some of my favourites from the session.