Photography Blog
November 27, 2019

Steve & Laura’s Engagement Session at Elgin Heritage Park

I met Steve & Laura through my awesome hairdresser. We did this session out near crescent beach at Elgin Heritage Park on a beautiful summer day just a week before their wedding! Love this little spot and having these guys with all their smiles along as we enjoyed the sunshine […]
July 17, 2019

Rachel & Steven – Bird’s Eye Cove Wedding Photography on Vancouver Island

This was one of the weddings for 2019 I was looking forward to most, and it did not disappoint.  Not only are Steven & Rachel a super fun couple which we discovered during their engagement session, I’ve known Rachel’s parents for a few years now and our friends Sean & […]
June 26, 2018

K&B’s Prom Photos at Swaneset Bay in Pitt Meadows [Grad Photographer]

Swan-e-Set Bay Resort & Country club out in Pitt Meadows is a popular spot for weddings, events and of course golfing, so when B’s mom got in touch with me back in January to do some of her son’s prom photos there I was very excited. Prom/grad photos feel like […]
June 23, 2018

Merry& Julian’s Wedding at Redwood Park [Surrey Photographer]

When Merry & Julian contacted me about doing their tiny wedding in the woods at Redwood Park in Surrey I was very excited! I love this park and normally I just do wedding or other portraits in there, but actually doing the wedding – ah yes please! They choose one […]
January 19, 2018

Dmitri & Kim’s Engagement Session in Abbotsford [Fraser Valley Wedding Photographer]

When I met up with Dmitri and Kim initially, I knew that they would be a great couple to get to know. They have a sassy sense of humour, joke around with each other (and me), appreciate quality and value and are just all around caring people. While they aren’t […]
November 29, 2017

Our Island Adventure 2017 – Tofino, Ucluelet, Victoria & Parksville

It’s no secret that part of me will always belong to Vancouver Island and I’m still plotting my return in the distant future – maybe when I’m old and grey, but for now we all know I still head back every few months for working, networking or even just visiting […]